

"Among several tribes in the Trans-Fly region of Papua New Guinea humosexuality was valued over heterosexuality. Men who grew up in the Etoro tribe favorerd oral sex between men, while their neighbors the Marind-anim encouraged in anal sex. ( In both groups heterosexual coitus was stigmatized and allowd only for reproducation.) Etoro men considered Marind-anim anal sex to be disgusting. while seeing nothing abnormal about their own oral homosexual practices."

                                                                             --Mirror for Humanity

It's an example of ethnocentrism from my text book, which is the tendency to view one's cultrue as superior and to apply one's own cultural values in judging the behavior and beliefs of people raised in other cultures.

"Opposing ethoncentrism is cultural relativism, the viewpoint that behavior in one culture should not be judged by the standards of another culture. To understand another culture fully, you must try to see how the people in that culture see things." ---- I've tried, but it doesn't work……

Culture shock, Culture shock, Culture shock, Culture shock……
